I've always wondered what prompted people to write
such tender, gentle words for stinkymeat.
(I still am wondering, actually.)
Decomposing Flesh
Art? Science? Biohazard?
Or website fodder?
- Tom Elliott
A meaty blitzkrieg,
Like Hitler's march on Poland
Beef takes over plate
- Tom Elliott
A disturbing thought -
The sausages weren't stolen...
They wriggled away.
- Tom Elliott
Gasp! Oh my God. Look!
Maggots in meat wave hello.
StinkyMeat dot net
- Scott
Mighty gag reflex!
A plate full of rotting meat...
How long will it last?
- Andy Gimblett
What has the wind brought?
Carrion gives life to the fly.
Howdy, fine neighbor!
- J. MacNeill
Rotting flesh, exposed
Maggots multiply en plein aire
Life - brought forth from death
- Adam Stanhope
Odorous meat
Gloriously putrescent
What can we say? Cool!
- Dan Mullen
I'd first choose my tomb
over the chance to consume
this pate of doom
- David Bois
From the earths's foul gut -
Belched forth this plate of meat now
Moist hatchling playground
- Dave van Zijl
What stinkymeat does
So shall we all, someday.
Stinkymeat, our kin.
- Dave Shepherd
Meat left out to rot
All in the name of science
Gone without a trace.
- Rob Norstrem
Stinky meat, begone!
Nihilistic rotting mass.
Yet the stink remains...
- Mike Balfour
My burger, steak, dogs...
Festers in thy neighbour's midst
Who hath swiped my meat?
- Donna Mitchell
In all days living
Shall we meet the end dying
with no styrofoam --
- Halbino
Shell that was once steak,
Now hides the Jell-O pudding,
It's the worst flavor.
-Todd Harris
Being made of meat,
I only hope to, one day,
Be watched as I rot.
-Todd Harris
What is that I smell?
A putrid plate full of meat
But what kind of freak...
- Nancy Hubbard
Here come the maggots
Birthed from this soupy goodness
Please pass the plate dear?
- Lynda Mandolyn
Our hearts hang heavy,
Oh meat of great stinkyness.
How could you leave us?
- Beak T
As flesh turned to soup
We watched as new life emerged
Welcome, future flies!
- Beak T
Sight is not needed
To detect the stinky meat.
Stench, a foul beacon.
- Owen Shelksohn
Rotting meat so sweet
A nice pillow it will make
Ode to rotting steak
- Jon LeMaster
Found by accident
Stinkymeat dot com lured me
Can't stay away
- Michael Solorza
The meat that rots
Takes the breath
Let it flow, let it flow!
- Philip Lee
Sitting on the plate
Waiting in the neighbor's yard
Food for the maggots.
- Jonathan Fox
The neighbor could smell
The wretched effluvium.
How could it so end?
- Jonathan Fox
We may now go on,
An important lesson learned
Eat only fresh meat.
- Jonathan Fox
But as we eat flesh,
Within our own intestines
Stinky meat shall live!
- Jonathan Fox
O radiant stew,
Thou art malignant, and yet
To behold, divine.
-Lisa Telgarsky
Deli's spectrum on the lawn
Red, purple, soup, gone!
- Martin Bregman
Oh this brutish mass!
Urging my stomach to rise.
Rotting meat, my friend.
- Justin R. Gulbransen
Found a plate today
Infested with rotting meat
My neighbor must die
- Jason McMahon
I did not know that
Hot dogs could run for shelter
From a smell so bad
- Jason McMahon
Putrescent odour,
Alerts neighbours `All's not well' -
Search for stinkymeat
- Tom Elliott
In the lush green grass
The young lovers rolled over,
SQUISH. Found stinkymeat.
- Tom Elliott
Plate of meat has gone,
Missed your chance to make some cash
On Ebay dot com.
- Tom Elliott
Where's the plate of stink?
Meat theives watch from the shadows.
Haul ass, Stinkymate!
- J. MacNeill
Faint smell of evil
Lingering in the spring air
Stinky memories
- Carla Macapinlac
You filled the spring air
So vile yet captivating
Were you but a dream?
- Carla Macapinlac
Despite your demise
Your memory lingers still
Along with the stench
- Carla Macapinlac
See the Stinkymeat
Oh sickening putrid mass
You are what you eat.
- Bob Noble
Filthy, Beefy, rot
Assault my virgin senses
Man, screw this project
- Ken Springer
Cow that once said, "Moo"
Now rotten burger in yard
Soon maggot food - Wow!
- Monica Walters
Oh my hungry one.
Largest maggot on the plate,
Eat dat stinkymeat!
- Earlybird Smith
I weep not for meat
Rot with pride my languid sweet
At least youre not spam
- Coghill Boss
Fear not bold cutlet
Meaty valhalla awaits
Gravy for your soul
- Coghill Boss
Ever-famous meat -
I can't look away from the
Awe-inspiring blob.
- Erin
Salmonella fun
E. Coli, Scrumptious, Yummy
On a plate of goo
- Evil Avenger
Stinky fills the air,
Must do a scavenger hunt,
Quick! Find the hot dog!
- Brian Shoemaker
Dirty, stinkymeat
Chasing off that styrofoam
That once was your bed
- Brian Carter
Ode to Stinky Meat
I've seen things more disgusting
Okay, no I haven't
- Mike Polowick
Decomposing meat
You'd think it's gross but it's neat
Makes me want to eat
- Mike Polowick
Plate of rotting meat,
One stinkymate, nineteen days --
Equals: some gross shit
- Mike Polowick
Stinky, Stinky Meat
Smells much worse than my black feet
Oh God, it's alive
- Christian Cordero
Touch of time
What was dead: now alive
Shifting breeze
- Jay Carper
Woe betide the world.
The stinkymate has perished.
Damn salmonella!
- Jason Mailloux
Bees like chicken ass.
Who knew? I bet their honey
Tastes pretty funny.
- Jason Mailloux
Saliva runs down my chin
To taste rotting flesh
- Robyn Hamilton
Dead chicken in a park
Smells float towards children
Meat thieves discovered
- Robyn Hamilton
Stolen Stinkymeat
Where do five meats turn for help
when they are kidnapped?
E. M. Straczek
Meat born really fresh,
But then it met Mahlon Smith.
Now it is stinky.
- Aaron
Ew Ew Ew Ew Ew
Ew Ew Eww Ew Ew Ew Ew
Ew Ew Ew Ew Eww
- Zachary Ankenman
Where is stinkymeat?
Who has taken you away?
Fear the UberDeer.
- Yevgeny
Thousands of good sites
Pornographic lovliness
I watch Stinkymeat?
- Morgan Johnston
From ooze into ooze
The circle of life complete
Zen and Stinkymeat
- Andrew Lauzon
Chicken, dance with the maggots!
Most beautiful waltz
- Matt Hix
Haiku is special
When the subject is meaty.
Here, it's required.
- Metacide
Dear fly, from the sky
Deposit your babies here
Feed, little ones. Feed
- Metacide
I see you, chicken
I see your hole, expanding...
Whats inside of you?
- Metacide
To Nocturnal thieves:
How dare you steal Stinkymeat!
Find your own food, dicks
- Metacide
Where the maggot feeds.
Where the stench overpowers.
This is Stinkymeat.
- Metacide
Stinky, raunchy meat
My lips still quiver above
What was once my lunch
- Brad Ballinger
Chicken with no neck.
Left outside to rot alone.
Ground beef bid adieu.
- Ralph Squillace
Hi-res rotting meat
I think I may have found the
Best site on the web!
- Labboy
Rotting Stinkymeat,
You make my life so complete.
The taste can't be beat.
- Jason Mailloux
Laying eggs, enslaved.
Now I have my sweet revenge,
Giving birth to death.
- Jason Mailloux
Colonel Sanders weeps:
"What have you done to that hen?
It's extra-mushy."
- Joseph Tomsco
Mall Security--
Suspicious activity.
Meat plate near the Gap?
- Joseph Tomsco
If you love something,
set it free - If bugs eat it,
it's probably dead.
- Joseph Tomsco
Picnic in the park.
The chicken's already there.
We just need cole slaw.
- Joseph Tomsco
Which item smells worse?
The meat that you left the deer,
or gift he left you?
- Joseph Tomsco
Green and black discharge,
oozes forth from chicken hole.
Finger licken' goo?
- Joseph Tomsco
Carcass a la King,
makes it own delicious sauce.
Just pick off the bees.
- Joseph Tomsco
The foulest of fowl;
A chicken that stuffs itself,
but not with Stove-Top.
- Joseph Tomsco
poor dead young chicken
on malodorous display
what would your mom think?
- Glenn Pearson
Moving Chicken Meat.
Dish drainer infallible?
Truly I think not.
- Elizabeth Straczek
Missing meat at mall;
stinkymeat oh stinkymeat
Where will you lead us?
- Elizabeth Straczek
Bach, great composer.
Chicken, great decomposer.
Both uplift the soul.
- Matt Hix
You we're once an egg.
Now fly eggs live inside you.
Rot wrought you, foul fowl.
- Matt Hix
A stinkymeat two?
Mo' meat, mo' stink, mo' problems.
But all for science.
- Mike Polowick
In the 70's,
We did the funky chicken.
Now, we just smell it.
- Joseph Tomsco
A forlorn Mahlon,
Looks for missing meat in mall
"You seen my sausage?"
- Joseph Tomsco
Chicken pinata.
Smack it hard - See what falls out.
Run kids!!! It's maggots!!!
- Joseph Tomsco
A chicken haiku.
Poetry about poultry.
An artistic low.
- Joseph Tomsco
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